
A Trie is a special data structure used to store strings that can be visualized like a graph. It consists of nodes and edges. Each node consists of at max 26 children and edges connect each parent node to its children. These 26 pointers are nothing but pointers for each of the 26 letters of the English alphabet A separate edge is maintained for every edge.

Strings are stored in a top to bottom manner on the basis of their prefix in a trie. All prefixes of length 1 are stored at until level 1, all prefixes of length 2 are sorted at until level 2 and so on.

For example , consider the following diagram : enter image description here

Now, one would be wondering why to use a data structure such as a trie for processing a single string? Actually, Tries are generally used on groups of strings, rather than a single string. When given multiple strings , we can solve a variety of problems based on them. For example, consider an English dictionary and a single string s, find the prefix of maximum length from the dictionary strings matching the string s. Solving this problem using a naive approach would require us to match the prefix of the given string with the prefix of every other word in the dictionary and note the maximum. The is an expensive process considering the amount of time it would take. Tries can solve this problem in much more efficient way.

Before processing each Query of the type where we need to search the length of the longest prefix, we first need to add all the existing words into the dictionary. A Trie consists of a special node called the root node. This node doesn’t have any incoming edges. It only contains 26 outgoing edfes for each letter in the alphabet and is the root of the Trie.

So, the insertion of any string into a Trie starts from the root node. All prefixes of length one are direct children of the root node. In addition, all prefixes of length 2 become children of the nodes existing at level one.

The pseudo code for insertion of a string into a tire would look as follows:

void insert(String s)
    for(every char in string s)
        if(child node belonging to current char is null)
            child node=new Node();

The pseudo code to check wether a single word exists in a dictionary of words or not is as follows:

boolean check(String s)
    for(every char in String s)
        if(child node is null)    
            return false;
    return true;

Hope this helps !!!


A heap is a tree-based data structure in which all the nodes of the tree are in a specific order.

For example, if X is the parent node of Y, then the value of X follows a specific order with respect to the value of Y and the same order will be followed across the tree. Continue reading “Heaps”

Hash Tables

This is part four of Data Structures series.

Assume that you have an object and you want to assign a key to it to make searching easy. To store the key/value pair, you can use a simple array like a data structure where keys (integers) can be used directly as an index to store values. However, in cases where the keys are large and cannot be used directly as an index, you should use hashing. Continue reading “Hash Tables”


This is a part three of Data Structures series.

Queues are data structures that follow the First In First Out (FIFO) i.e. the first element that is added to the queue is the first one to be removed.

Elements are always added to the back and removed from the front. Think of it as a line of people waiting for a bus. The person who is at the beginning of the line is the first one to enter the bus.

Continue reading “Queues”


This is a part one of Data Structures series.

In this article, we will discuss 

  1. What is Array
  2. 1-D
  3. Multi-dimensional

An array is a sequential collection of elements of same data type and stores data elements in a continuous memory location. The elements of an array are accessed by using an index. The index of an array of size N can range from 0 to N−1. For example, if your array size is 5, then your index will range from 0 to 4 (5-1). Each element of an array can be accessed by using arr[index].

Continue reading “Array”

Adapter Design Pattern

In this article, we will discuss 

  1. What is Adapter Design Pattern
  2. Implementation Guidelines of Adapter design pattern
  3. And will take a look at an example to implement Adapter design pattern

Adapter Design Pattern : The Adapter design pattern is one of the twenty-three well-known GoF design patterns that describe how to solve recurring design problems to design flexible and reusable object-oriented software, that is, objects that are easier to implement, change, test, and reuse.

Continue reading “Adapter Design Pattern”

Composite Design Pattern

In this article,we will discuss

  • What is Composite Design Pattern
  • Implementation Guidelines of Composite design pattern
  • And will take a look at simple example to implement this pattern

Composite Design Pattern : As per the GOF definition, the Composite Pattern, “Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite let clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.

This means, the composite pattern describes a group of objects that is treated the same way as a single instance of the same type of object. Continue reading “Composite Design Pattern”

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